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Volunteer Information


Every year AGTBA hosts an annual Arctic Blast tournament.

This year the 2023 tournament date is December 16-17, 2023.

Tournament location will be at Andover High School.

As a non-profit organization, AGTBA is strictly run by volunteers, mostly parents who step up and are willing to help as coaches, assistant coaches, team parents, and Board members of AGTBA.

Now that your daughter(s) are a part of this organization, AGTBA requires 8 volunteer hours per family. An adult or 16+ family member(s) must volunteer 8 hours during the Arctic Blast tournament.  *Other volunteer opportunities may be available.

When your daughter(s) tryout for AGTBA, you are required to provide a $250 volunteer check.

This check is held, and upon fulfillment of volunteer hour, the check will be destroyed.

If you do not fulfill your volunteer hours during the Arctic Blast tournament, your check will be cashed.

There will be a communication that will go out to all AGTBA families as tournament time draws near.

This will provide you with options on time, duties, and location to fulfill your volunteer hours.

In order to put on a successful tournament we need your help!

Additional volunteer opportunities

There are a few other opportunities this year to fulfill your volunteer requirement.  

  • You may volunteer to be at the open house on Wednesday, August 31st at Andover Elementary 4-6pm or Rum River Elementary 4:30-6:30pm.  We would love for some AGTBA girls to be there as well, but we can only use adult or age 16+ hours to fulfill the requirement. Email our Tryout Director below if you are interested.
  • For every 10 raffle tickets you sell in addition to your initial 10 tickets, those tickets will fulfill 2 hours of your volunteer requirement.

Sommer Marshall

Tryout & Events Director